Making Good on New Years Resolutions

I recently came across an article on New Year’s Resolutions and I though wow have I ever been there too.    Like many I would set up a series of personal goals for the New Year.   I even set up a ladies-only events where we supported each other in goal setting for the following year.  I would get very excited about them and launch into January full of enthusiasm.

While I typically started out strong in January, life happened … pressures from work and social distractions.  I felt by March as though I had failed as I was not achieving my personal goals that I set for myself.

I found the following extract from a blog post, credit to Daylie, founder of the Self Love Movement

“Many people love making resolutions. It’s fun to think about what you want and decide that when the new year arrives, things will be different, like the resolution wish fairy will magically make it happen:

  • “I’ll lose 15 pounds this year.”
  • “I’ll find a wonderful romantic partner.”
  • “I’ll get a job I enjoy.”

and … “I’ll finally be happy.”

These all sound wonderful when you state them. Then the year begins. You’d still like those resolutions to come true but as reality hits, you realize there’s no wish fairy and a new year didn’t magically make life different. As time passes and you haven’t lost weight, found the romantic partner, gotten closer to the job you want and happiness still seems like it’s for other people, discouragement sets in. The truth is, if you don’t actively make changes in yourself, it will continue to be hard to bring resolutions to fruition.”

So true…in my experience the key to making sustaining changes in lifestyle is not the HOW but the WHO.

Most of us know the HOW but making significant life style changes is not easy.  Think of the times in your past when you have had your best successes. They could have been on a soccer field, tennis court with a musical instrument or in an academic area.  Chances are that you were in all cases supported by a coach.  That certainly has been my experience.     As the saying goes … “if you could have make the change you would have already.”

So what are the characteristics of an excellent coach.  Here is the list that I developed years ago when I was looking for a business/lifestyle coach.

  • A coach who Walks the Talk
  • Provides accountability with support (I like to use the Sherpa as a coaching model with my clients)
  • Provides expert advice and a step-by-step system that delivers results
  • Tracks success analytically
  • Provides their clients a “transition strategy” that ensures long term succes

I hope whatever your New Years resolutions you find your Sherpa to make 2019 a success!