Chicken, Broccoli & Sweet Potato

This is an easy combination to have on hand for several lunches. Mix up how you cook the broccoli or sweet potato and you’ve got healthy meal prep done for the week!

Serves 1:


  • 4 oz. skinless chicken breast
  • 3 oz. of broccoli
  • 1 sweet potato


Slice or cube one of your grilled chicken breasts. Nothing fancy today, just a chicken breast, steamed broccoli and a half of a sweet potato. You can cook up almost a week’s worth of chicken breast on the grill, steam a whole weeks worth of broccoli in a steamer on the stove in 8 minutes and a weeks’ worth of sweet potatoes by popping them in the oven in foil in about 30 seconds (cook for an hour or until a fork goes through easily). You can also slice up your sweet potato and bake in the oven.

The Ingredients below and the Nutritional Information are based on one serving size.